Oral Presentation 2019 Hunter Cell Biology Meeting

Pre-assembled GPCR signalling complexes mediate distinct cellular responses to ultra-low ligand concentrations (#26)

Michelle L Halls 1
  1. Monash University, Parkville, VICTORIA, Australia

G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface signalling proteins, participate in nearly all physiological processes, and are the targets of 30% of marketed drugs. Typically, nanomolar to micromolar concentrations of ligand are used to activate GPCRs in experimental systems. We detected GPCR responses to a wide range of ligand concentrations, from attomolar to millimolar, by measuring GPCR-stimulated production of cAMP with high spatial and temporal resolution. Mathematical modelling showed that femtomolar concentrations of ligand activated, on average, 40% of the cells in a population provided that a cell was activated by one to two binding events. Furthermore, activation of the endogenous beta2-adrenoceptor and muscarinic acetylcholine M3 receptor by femtomolar concentrations of ligand in cell lines and human cardiac fibroblasts caused sustained increases in nuclear translocation of extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) and cytosolic protein kinase C (PKC) activity, respectively. These responses were spatially and temporally distinct from those that occurred in response to higher concentrations of ligand and resulted in a distinct cellular proteomic profile. This highly sensitive signalling depended on the GPCRs forming pre-assembled, higher-order signalling complexes at the plasma membrane. Recognising that GPCRs respond to ultra-low concentrations of neurotransmitters and hormones challenges established paradigms of drug action and provides a previously unappreciated aspect of GPCR activation that is quite distinct from that typically observed with higher ligand concentrations.

  1. Civciristov et al. 2018 Science Signaling 11:eaan1188