Oliver Rackham 2019 Hunter Cell Biology Meeting

Oliver Rackham

Oliver Rackham gained his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Otago, New Zealand. In 2003 Oliver relocated to the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK, as an MRC Career Development Fellow, working with Professor Jason Chin on re-engineering the genetic code. Oliver established his own group at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in 2006, focused on engineering and understanding gene expression. Oliver’s research has been influential in shaping the field of synthetic biology and in exploring the role of RNA in controlling mitochondrial function and organism physiology. His work has been described as one of the “seminal achievements for synthetic biology” (Faculty of 1000) and resulted in his admission to the European Inventor Hall of Fame in 2013. Oliver is currently an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and President of Synthetic Biology Australasia.

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